
英语语法 2 - 限定词

2.1 限定词的分类

  • 冠词:the, an, a
  • 基数词和序数词:one/first, two/second, three/third
  • 指示限定词:this, that, these, those
  • 物主限定词:my, your, his, her, our, their
  • 数量限定词:a few, a little, much, many, a lot of, some, any, enough, several, most, all
  • 个体限定词:each, every, either, neither, both
  • 名词属格:Mary’s, John’s

2.2 冠词

  • 冠词的位置与读音
    • 不定冠词:a - 用在以辅音为开头的名词前,an - 用在以元音为开头的名词前,a university, an honor
    • 定冠词:the[ðə] - 用在以辅音为开头的名词前,the[ði] - 用在以元音为开头的名词前
  • 冠词用法要点
    • 区别不可数名词、单数名词和复数名词,对应不同的冠词搭配方法
    • 区别特指与泛指,泛指 - 表示一类事物或某类事物的总称,特指 - 表某类事物中的具体某一个或某一些
    • 结合篇章和语境


  • a/an+单数名词表泛指,表一类事物中任何一个有代表性的成员,可以用any替换a/an,A child needs plenty of love.
  • 不可数名词不加冠词表泛指,Water is essential for life. Life is hard sometimes. Man(mankind) is social animal.
  • 复数名词不加冠词表泛指,Tigers are becoming almost extinct. Young babies need a lot of sleep.
  • the+单数名词可以表泛指, 在语气上显得正式或文雅,需结合语境理解,The tiger is becoming almost extinct.


    • the+国籍名词 表示泛指某国、某民族的人,the Chinese, the British
    • the+形容词 表一类人, the rich, the poor, the wise



  • 情景/文化特指
    • 一般常识,表独一无二的事物,the earth, the universe, the President, the Pope, the Renaissance
    • 注意:一些特殊名词前不加the,nature, socitey, space, man, history
    • 具体知识/局部情景,表小范围内是独一无二的,the church, the library
    • 即时情景用法,表说话时刻双方唯一听到/看到的,The roses are very beautiful. Can you find the page?
  • 上下文共指

    • 直接前指,第一次出现的单数名词用a/an,再次出现用the,即a与the有互指关系,I had a banana. I ate the banana.


    • 间接前指,所指对象间接成为听话者知识的一部分,I went to New York last week. The traffic is awful.

    • 后指/结构特指,被后置定语修饰的名词前面需要用定冠词the,The brick house on the corner is mine.


      • A rich person is not one who has the most.
      • I think he is the one who can help you.



  • 泛指与非泛指用法

    • 在主语中,具有泛指功能,表一类事物中任何一个有代表性的成员,A tiger is a dangerous animal.
    • 在补足语中,表示分类(职业),具有描述功能,Bill is an engineer.


    • 在宾语中,具有所指功能,既可以表示定指,也可以表示不定指,需结合语境,I want to read a book.

    • 总结:
      • 对于定冠词the,有特指和泛指,主要表特指,次要表泛指
      • 对于不定冠词a/an,不表特指,主要表泛指以及定指/不定指的指代关系
  • 不定冠词与不可数名词


    • a/an+不可数名词,表示一类或一种,This seems to be an excellent oil.
    • a/an+饮料类不可数名词,表一杯,I’d like a beer, please.
    • a/an+不可数名词,发生意义改变,a glass(一个玻璃杯), an iron(一个电熨斗)
  • 不定冠词与数次one


    • 强调数量“一”时用one,表加强语气和强调,David took one mouthful garlic and shot out of the room.
    • 用于准确的对照数字,A hundred grams of flour to one egg.
    • 讲故事或经历时用one,强调人或物,One night there is a terrible storm.


    • 表泛指时不能替换,A shoygun is not good.

    • 表度量时不能替换,The rent is $100 a week.
    • 表数量的固定搭配中的不定冠词不能替换,a few, a little, a number of
  • 不定冠词与this



  • 用/不用冠词的有意义区别


    • go to bed(上床睡觉), go to the bed(到床边)
    • In hospital(住院), in the hosptial(在医院里)
    • go to sea(出海航行), go to the sea(去海边)
    • by sea(坐船), by the sea(在海边)
    • in office(上台执政), in the office(在办公室)
    • by day(白天), by the day(按天计算)
    • take place(发生),take the place(代替)
    • men of age(成年人), men of an age(同龄人)
    • out of question(毫无疑问), out of the question(不可能)
  • 其他使用冠词的场合
    • 形容词或副词最高级、序数词以及only做形容词时,前面需要用the,the only/best way to cope with the problem
    • 乐器、乐团、合唱团体前面加the,the Beatles, play the piano
    • 定冠词the+姓氏s,表示夫妇或一家人,the Smiths
    • 表强调时用the,Just the one.
  • 其他不用冠词的场合

    • 表示独一无二的职业,且位于补足语(主补、宾补、表语)或同位语位置,He was elected President in 1879.
    • 表示球类、棋类运动项目的名词前面不加冠词,play football, play chess
    • 一些特殊名词在特定泛指含义下不加the,nature, socitey, space, man, history
    • 与当前时间有联系的星期前不加the,on Monday
    • 一般的四季(非特指一段时间)不加the,in spring, Winter is coming.
    • 表昼夜的各段时间dawn, sunrise, sunset, noon, dusk, night, midnight出现在at, by, after, before之后不加冠词,at night
    • 一般日常惯例的用餐(非特指)不加冠词,have rice for dinner

      by之后的交通工具不加冠词,by bus, by bicycle, on foot

      by之后的通信工具不加冠词,by radio, by telephone

      平行结构中的名词不加冠词,face to face, back to back, hand in hand

2.3 数量限定词

a few, few, a little, little

  • 与名词的搭配关系
    • a few, few后面只能接复数名词,a few days
    • a little, little后面只能接不可数名词,a little water
  • 表达含义
    • a few, a little为肯定,表有一些,His theory is difficult, but a few people understand it.
    • few, little为否定,表很少、几乎没有,His theory is difficult; few people understand it.
  • 与only或very的搭配关系
    • only + a few/a little,表仅有
    • very + few/little,表强调


  • 与名词的搭配关系
    • some与any均可以不可数名词及可数名词复数连用,表示一些,I need some medicine.
    • some一般用于肯定句,any一般用于否定句,I don’t have any friends here.
    • 在疑问句中若期待对方正面的回答或鼓励对方,用some,Would you like to give me some advice?
  • 特殊用法

    • any + 单数名词,表任何一个,You can catch any bus.
    • some + 单数名词,表不确定的某一个,Some person at the gate is asking to see you.


      I don’t want to spend my life in some lonely little village.

    • some + 数词 + 名词,表大约,暗指是一个给人印象深刻的很大的数字

2.4 个体限定词


  • 与名词的搭配关系
    • each和every后面都只能接单数可数名词,也因此称为个体限定词,谓语动词需要用第三人称单数
    • Each boy has a gift. Every man is the master of his own fortune.
  • each与every的差异
    • each可用作代词,every只能作用限定词,Each has a gift.
    • each表两个或两个以上的事物,every表三个及三个以上的事物,There are a lot of trees on each side of the street.
    • every可以与数词连用表间隔,each不可以,every two days = every other day


  • 与名词的搭配关系
    • anther只能接单数名词,不能接复数名词或不可数名词,表另一个、再一个,another day
    • other可以接单数名词、复数名词、不可数名词,表不确定的另外的、其余的人或物,the other boy
  • 与数词的搭配关系

    • another + 数词 + 复数名词,表在原有基础上的延续,强调数量概念,We will stay here for another three days.

      补充:another + 数词 + 复数名词 = 数词 + more + 复数名词,three more days

    • 数词 + other + 复数名词,表其他的、另外的,强调不同的类别,I am busy from Monday to Thursday, but I can come on three other days.

  • Other的其他用法
    • other前加其他限定词,some/any/every/enough/one/two/no/many/his/my + other,some other reference books, no other tools
    • other/others,other只能作限定词,后面必须接名词,others只能作代词,必须单独使用
    • the other + 名词表示限定范围内的剩下其余的,为确定的,Of all metals, only mercury is liquid and other metals are solid.


  • 与名词的搭配关系
    • 两者都与单数名词连用,谓语动词用单数形式,Either day is OK. Neither day is OK.
    • 两者均不能与其他限定词连用
  • 含义比较
    • either表示两个中的任一个,或两个中的每一个,either side of the river = both sides of the river
    • neither只表示两者都不
    • either … not = neither
  • 用作代词
    • either/neither用作代词时,不直接接名词,单独使用或接of短语,Either is OK.
    • either/neither + of + 限定词 + 名词复数 + 单数谓语动词,Either of the answers is right

2.5 限定词的总结


  • 都 - both(either)只表示两者都,all表示三者接以上都
  • 都不 - neither表示两者都不,none表示三者及三者以上都不
  • 另一个 - the other表示限定范围内两者中的另一个,通常构成 one … the other;another表示不确定的另一个,必然是指三者及以上的另一个
  • 每一个 - each表示两个以上的每一个,every表示三个以上每一个


  • 只与单数名词搭配的限定词:a, an, each, every, either, neither, another, one
  • 只与复数名词搭配的限定词:both, few, a few, fewer, a number of, many, several, these, those, two以上的基数词
  • 只与不可数名词搭配的限定词:little, a little, less, much, a bit of, a great amount/deal of
  • 可接不可数名词与复数名词的限定词:a lot of, lots of, plenty of, more, most, all
  • 可接单数名词、复数名词与不可数名词的限定词:any, some, no, the, 物主限定词(your, my), 名词属格



  • 数量/个体代词 + of + 特指限定词 + 复数名词或不可数名词
    • all/most/some/any of + 特质限定词 + 复数名词或不可数名词
    • many/a few/few/several/both/two/three of + 特质限定词 + 复数名词
    • Much/a little/little of + 特质限定词 + 不可数名词
  • 特指限定词只能为如下四类的其中之一,不能没有且不能出现两个
    • 指示限定词,this, that, these, those
    • 物主限定词,my, your, his, her, its, their, our
    • 名词所有格,Mike’s, Mary’s
    • 定冠词,the
  • all和both的特殊用法
    • All students are smart = All of my students are smart = All my students are smart.
    • Both students are smart = Both of my students are smart = Both my students are smart.
  • 不定代词与of短语
    • 不定代词:none, someone, anyone, everyone以及其分开形式no one,
    • someone, anyone, everyone, no one不能接of短语
    • some one, any one, every one, none可以接of短语

2.6 限定词之间的位置关系

根据限定词在名词前的位置,分为前位限定词 - 中位限定词 - 后位限定词,all my many friends, both the last students

  • 前位限定词 - 说明名词的数量,互相排斥不共存
    • 表倍数关系的数量限定词,half my salary, twice my salary
    • 表几分之几的限定词,one third my salary
    • 个体限定词,all my salary
  • 中位限定词 - 彼此排斥不共存
    • 冠词,the
    • 指示限定词,this, that, these, those
    • 物主限定词,my, your, his, her, our, their
    • 名词属格,Tom’s, Jerry’s
  • 后位限定词 - 可以共存
    • 基数词或序数词,one/first, two/second, three/third, four/fourth
    • 一般序数词,next, last, past, previous, subsequent, other, another
    • 数量限定词,few, many, several, little, less, more
    • 共存顺序:
      • 序数词/一般序数词 + 基数词/数量限定词,the first two weeks
      • 基数词/数量限定词 + other,two other people
      • another + 基数词,another ten minutes