
英语语法 9 - 名词性从句

10.1 三种句型充当名词性从句


  • 陈述句做句子成分
    • 陈述句做句子成分需要在句首增加that引导词,以帮助理解
      • That the plates are moving is not beyond dispute.
      • My concern is that the child should be sent to school.
    • 陈述句做宾语从句时可以不加that,因为不会影响句子理解,但增加that可以帮助理解
      • The criminal confessed (that) his sins harmed many people.
      • I think you are right.
  • 一般疑问句做句子成分
    • 一般疑问句做句子成分时需要将一般疑问句的倒装语序变为陈述语序,并用whether或if引导,其中if只能引导宾语从句
      • Weather he will come to my party makes no difference to me.
      • I don’t know if/whether he needs my help.
    • weather可以和or not连用,if不可以
      • I don’t know whether or not he will come.
  • 特殊疑问句做句子成分
    • 特殊疑问句做句做句子成分时,需将倒装语序变为陈述语序不需要引导词(特殊疑问词即为引导词)
      • I don’t know how many letters there are in the English alphabet.
      • Money is what we are badly in need of.
    • 当特殊疑问词在从句中做主语时,不用调整语序,因为此时的疑问句已经是陈述语序
      • Who will chair the meeting has not yet been decided.

10.2 主语从句

  • 陈述句做主语,可以用it做形式主语置于句首,而将主语从句置于句末
    • That the sea are being overfished has been known for years.
    • It has been known for years that the sea are being overfished.
    • It is common knowledge that the moon itself does not give off light.
    • It is reported that, It is believed that, It is generally thought that, It should be noted that, It must be point out that
    • It is clear that, It is possible that, It is likely that, It is certain that
    • It is fact that, It is an honor that, It is my belief that
  • 一般疑问句做主语
    • Weather he will come to my party makes no difference to me.
  • 特殊疑问句做主语
    • I don’t know how many letters there are in the English alphabet.

10.3 宾语从句

  • 陈述句做宾语
    • I think (that) a sound knowledge of grammar is indispensable to good writing.
  • 一般疑问句做宾语
    • I don’t know if/weather he needs my help .
    • No one knew whether or not interest rates would rise.
  • 特殊疑问句做宾语
    • I have not decided whom I should vote for.
    • You should vote for which candidate you assume best.
    • Could you tell me where the post office is?
    • They give who came to the meeting a pamphlet.

10.4 表语从句

  • 陈述句做表语
    • My ideal is that the child should be sent to school.
  • 一般疑问句做表语
    • My concern is whether he comes or not.
  • 特殊疑问句做表语
    • This is where our basic interest lies.
    • Change is what keeps us fresh and innovative.

10.5 同位语从句

  • 陈述句做同位语
    • He was prepared to prove his theory that two different weights would fall to the ground at the same time.
    • A saying goes that practice makes perfect.
  • 一般疑问句做同位语
    • They are faced with the problem whether they should continue to work.
  • 特殊疑问句做同位语
    • I have no idea when he will return.